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Professional Organizer / Life Coach
"I have been in business for almost 25 years in one form or another and have learned much about organization. Organizing oneself or organizing a space, it's really all the same.
Everything is a container. Life is a container of time, you can only do so much in the amount of time you are alloted. Your home is a container, it will only hold so much and then you find yourself paying for storage space. Space to store your own over-flow and before long, you find yourself storing stuff you inherited.
Your house is full! YOUR STORAGE IS FULL!! NOW WHAT?!!!
Imagine what will happen when you are gone! All that stuff goes to your heirs and they have the stress of disposing of all your stuff.
I really can't say this enough. Stuff = STRESS! It's time to sort and let go of all the things you bought "just in case" and the stuff you got "for when." Rid yourself of clutter and give yourself space to breathe."
I hope to connect with you soon,
Start your de-cluttering journey with a FREE, "getting to know you" session.
45 Minutes - FREE!